Turn Your Passion into Your Full-Time Paycheck

Next Round Starts March 2025


Next Round Starts March 2025 -

If you’re an aspiring/new coach or online service provider currently dreaming of a way to build a profitable online business that doesn’t require…

  • Posting and praying on social media 

  • Piecing together complex systems and strategies 

  • A massive following

  • Cold DMs that say…”I love your content!! How are you doing today?”

AND that allows you to:

  • Have a massive impact on others & get paid doing it

  • Go from $0-$5k months in just 6 months

  • Lay the solid foundation for a six-figure business

  • Leave your full-time job

  • Enjoy the TIME FREEDOM of entrepreneurship 

Big Vision is the Answer to Your Prayers.

I get it! You might have doubts like these:

I’ve taken business courses that haven’t worked for me, why will this be any different?

I’m not making money in my business yet, I think I should wait to invest until I have paying clients.

I don’t have a strong social media presence, a huge network, or enough followers right now to hit $5k months

What about imposter syndrome? If I don’t believe in myself, how will other people? 

I love being in my feminine & flowy…too much structure might overwhelm me

I’ve been there, too.

This is why I’ve created Big Vision.

Hi, I’m Nora

I’m a corporate dropout that built a multi-six figure coaching business in just 3 years. 

I remember waking up at 2am, with the intrusive thoughts of: “Am I really going to die in a job that I hate? Can I even make money doing what I love?” 

I remember feeling so unfulfilled from my career, that it changed me as a person to the point where my own mom said, “You’re so short-fused. I never remember you being this way.” 

I remember the naysayers commenting early on, “Are you trying to be an influencer? Who’s going to pay you for this?”

I woke up one day, decided that I was sick of settling, and I truly never looked back. 

It took me well over a year to reach my first six figures in business and plenty of failed launches...but I finally got here. It’s become my purpose to teach you how to build your business quicker than I ever did.

Big Vision is where I pull back the curtains on the marketing, sales strategies and the body of 'identity work' that I used to lay the foundation to go from:

  • $0 to multiple six figures CASH, per year, with just 2k followers 

  • Zero 1:1 clients to a booked out roster with a waitlist

  • Multiple failed group launches to $50k+ group launches

  • A client repeat rate of 99%

The cost of inaction is far greater than the investment of starting NOW! 

Every day you wait to take the first step in making your passion your full-time paycheck, you're paying in missed opportunities and income, unrealized potential, and unfulfilled dreams. The longer you wait, the longer you delay the impact, money and time freedom that could already be yours. 

The law of diminishing returns says that the longer you wait to do something, the less likely you are to ever actually do it.

Imagine what happens when you decide to become your future self NOW and take the first step, as her.

You enroll in the program and meet your new biz besties. You get crystal clear on your niche, your offer, and your messaging has new clients responding, “are you in my head? Sign me up!” 

You’ve built a red hawt community. You feel confident leading them. People “actually care” about what you have to say and love what you have to share.

You’ve learned how to sell on social media in a way that’s grounded in service. Your clients are HAPPY to pay you high-ticket.

You have repeatable strategies that work and a structure that gives you the freedom to travel, spend time with your family, and do what you love most outside of your business. 

This is your future, and you have the choice to claim it today.

My simple, proven framework already has other trailblazers, that at one point were exactly where are you now, hitting their first $5k, $10k, & $20k months. 

Become Her, First:

An overarching focus weaved into Big Vision is identity work, which is your self-concept. When you start to see yourself as a CEO & Industry Leader, you act like it. When you act like it repeatedly, you become it. 


Build the foundational pieces that will allow you to have the structure and simple systems in place to start and continuously grow your online business. 


Learn and implement my signature marketing and sales strategies that will allow you to sell your offer to hit consistent $5k months. You can use these repeatable strategies for 1:1 coaching, group programs, evergreen courses, retreats, live events, and more. 


After gaining proof of concept with your offer, you’ll learn the high-level tools needed to scale your income + impact further, which include: visibility strategies, pitching yourself for publications, and back end systems + automation.


A 6-month business accelerator and group program designed to put you on the fast track to creating a freedom-based, profitable online business.

Here’s what you get with BVM:

  • 16 business strategy modules that cover the marketing, sales strategies, and systems required to scale to $5k months in just 6 months 

  • 12 business energetics modules that will upgrade your identity, grow your confidence, & help you manifest results quicker 

  • Bonus modules on visibility, pitching, and systems for scaling

  • Actionables & Workbooks for each module to help you implement what you learn

  • Weekly Live Coaching Calls (3x Per Month) 

  • Monthly Live Content Reviews (1x Per Month) 

  • A community group for networking and to gain support from your new business besties 

  • Access to my entire vault of 100 of meditations, breathwork journeys, and journaling sessions to raise your CEO frequency 

All modules and coaching calls are recorded, so if you can’t make it live, you can still join! There will also be an option to submit questions ahead of time. Our top priority is you!

This is for you if…

  • You have a big passion + purpose in this world that you’re ready to be paid for & turn into your full-time career

  • You have that “long haul energy” i.e you’re committed to the journey, the constant growth process, and are willing to put in the work that it takes to build a sustainable business, no matter how long it takes 

  • You’ve been in business for a year or more and still are not seeing $5k months consistently OR you are brand new to business and don’t want to waste time and money trying to figure it out on your own

This is not for you if…

  • You’re looking for a “get rich, quick” fix

  • You care more about making money than you do about serving clients and making an impact

  • You’re not prepared to invest both time and money for 6 consecutive months to create the life and business  you’ve been dreaming of.

The program will help you: 

  • Gain the confidence to show up consistently online and drop your imposter syndrome once and for all 

  • Lay the foundations to create a six figure business 

  • Identify your ideal client / niche 

  • Build a red hawt community 

  • Create your signature offer 

  • Get inside your ideal clients head & learn how to write magnetic messaging

  • Sell effectively on social media & in the DMS (in a way that doesn’t feel like a sleezy carsman!) 

  • Master sales/discovery calls and increase your conversion rates 

  • Nail down simple, repeatable launch strategies

  • Build freebies that convert to high-ticket clients 

  • Create structure and freedom in your schedule as an entrepreneur

Here’s a sneak peek of your 16 bonus business strategy modules from my signature strategy course, Full Throttle: 

  • Module 1: Nail Your Niche

  • Module 2: Wildfire Offers (Part 1)

  • Module 3: Wildfire Offers (Part 2)

  • Module 4: Build a Red Hawt Community

  • Module 5: Launching, Selling & Marketing 101 for Service Providers with Online Businesses

  • Module 6: The Mindset & Energy Behind 3x’ing You Income

  • Module 7: How to Prep like a Pro and Get Your Community to Ask for the Link to Buy Before the Doors Even Open

  • Module 8: Get Inside Your Dream Clients Head

  • Module 9: Magnetic Messaging Intensive

  • Bonus Masterclass #1: Amplify Your Audience w/ Visibility & Pitching 

  • Module 10: Freebies to Cash (Design Genius “Launch Accelerators” that Convert)

  • Module 11: Content that Converts 

  • Module 12: Copywriting & Design for Landing Pages

  • Module 13: Increasing Engagement, How to Spice Up Your Launch, & Extending Personal Invites

  • Module 14: Becoming the Sales Sorceress & Six Figure Selling on Social Media

  • Module 15: Mastering Discovery Calls & DM Sales

  • Module 16: Conducting Post-Launch Market Research, Down-Selling, and Preventing the Full-Stop

  • Bonus Masterclass #2: Systems for Scaling

PLUS access to my signature business energetics course, Elite, with 12 modules on topics like:

transmuting fear and emotion, subconscious mind reprogramming, manifestation, strengthening intuition, confidence & more. View the syllabus here!

PLUS Access to Elevate: my vault of 100s of visualizations, breathwork journeys and journaling sessions

designed to help you dream bigger, grow your confidence, and BECOME HER, FIRST.

Student Testimonials

Jonnemarie Kahwaty (@jonnemarieKahwaty):

A perfect blend of energetics and strategy:

“She really does emphasize the importance of the energetics side, while giving you everything you need to know about the strategy.” 

Lisa Avila (@lisathestrategist):

Business can be fun:

“A launch can be fun. That was a huge shift for me after going through this program.”

Nicole Fisher (mariglowwellness):

Turn Mountains into Molehills

“It sometimes feels like a big mountain to climb in the beginning, but after going through it, I’m like wow it’s a lot simpler than I thought but also a lot more fun than I thought. I just want to keep selling and offering stuff because I can now just rinse and repeat the whole process.”  

Fallon Lev (@fallonlev):

If you’re serious about building your business, Nora is the coach for you.

“If you’re really serious about building your business but you’re overwhelmed by all the noise and the strategies that are available to you, Nora is the coach for you.”

Meiling Choy (@meilingchoy_):

Unlock new tiers of motivation

“Having the systems, the support, and Nora in general puts you on a whole different tier of confidence, motivation and ambition. It puts you in a place to win.” 

Emily Gornick (@richwitchnextdoor):

Money mindset breakthroughs, messaging shifts, and incredible community…

“I went from launching with zero to relaunching and … having a 14k month.”

Andrea Andree (@momsgonequantum):

Boosted confidence, and raised her rates for greater success!

“I had one person sign up for a $44 group offer…and then I raised my rates…and when she wanted to continue working with me, she didn’t even bat an eye at my raised rates!”

Big Vision is designed to give you the simple strategies needed to grow your business to consistent $5k months in the near-term and lay the foundations for a six-figure business, without breaking the bank and paying the investment of high-proximity coaching.

It’s the norm for my clients to make their entire investment back almost immediately, simply because it can be as easy as signing on just ONE private client. 

Big Vision is every tool I’ve used to scale my own business, meaning that it’s designed for those in mind that do not have large followings or do not want complex systems that aren’t required.

We cut out the fluff and get straight to business, so you can start experiencing overflow and fulfillment even sooner. 

This is a two in one program: you receive both education AND coaching.

Not only do you get 30 total modules teaching you step-by-step strategies & energy practices, you also receive LIVE COACHING with me every single week as you implement.

By the end of our 6 months together, you can expect to: 

  • sign on your own clients and start changing lives

  • make consistent $5k months in your business 

  • have repeatable strategies that you can come back to continuously scale your business

  • wake up with the freedom to make your own schedule

Investment Options:


Receive EARLY access to all content & modules NOW (4 months ahead of time!), in preparation for the mastermind starting in March 2025! 

Pay In Full


6 Month Payment Plan


10 Month Payment Plan


Client Wins

Chelsea hit consistent $4k months in just 6 weeks

Meredith booked $16k of revenue in just 4 months and quit her full-time job 

Sam had her first $5k month

Lily went from a ‘failed group launch’ to 7 paid clients.

Nicole F. signed on her first 1:1 client and quit her full-time job

Nicole C. had a $1k day & went from ‘failed group launch’ to 6 paid clients.

LEAKED Client Off-Boarding Call

Still not sure if this is right for you? Hear what it’s like to work with me, from my client’s pov!